There's been a dry spell here. I haven't posted anything new in weeks. Sure, Ashley was in town for her spring break and I was busy doing things with her, especially celebrating her birthday. Bu then.... Well.... I just felt unmotivated.
The blahs? I actually have a bigger zest for life and more energy than I've had in a while. So that can't be it.
Tapped out as a writer -- aka Writer's Block? I've been a mad woman working on re-writes lately. So that can't be it.
Laziness? I've been a total busy beaver lately working on household projects, even yard work! So that can't be it.
For a few days, I rationalized my lack of blog writing as my "unofficial spring break". Everyone needs a break, right? Blogging isn't my job. I don't "have to" do this.
Then I realized something else was nagging at me.
With the end of re-writes in sight (less than half a dozen chapters left to go), I'm realizing there's so much in my head that doesn't naturally fit onto the pages of my book. My memoir is light on opinions, heavy on story telling; light on funny anecdotes, heavy on poignant moments; light on "how to's", heavy on "what I've learned"; light on breakthrough thinking, heavy on the basics. I think that's what my memoir is "supposed to do", not that there's any rules, but that's how it has evolved.
But, what about this "extra stuff"?
Unlike putting together a bookshelf from IKEA, I don't really want to just throw the extra screws and pegs in a junk drawer or into the bottom of the tool box. I want, maybe even need to get some of this extra stuff out.
So... what's all of that mean?
Changes here on my blog. Maybe changes with my book, too. Time to dig deep and let my creativity flow while still being authentic.
Excited for what comes next!